Object - File Functions

Updated 04/14/99


FileName: The full path name and file name.
USED IN: GUI.cs, Menu.cs, Registervolume.cs
RETURN: True if it does exist. False if failed or doesnt exist.
Used to see if the FileName exists.


Script: Name of a script file. Example: "Item.cs", "Game.cs".
USED IN: Currently not used in any script files.
RETURN: Path. The directory path that the Script is being ran from.
Used to find out what directory the Script is currently being ran from.


Object: The object Id. Example: 8361.
USED IN: Player.cs, Staticshape.cs
RETURN: String "X Y Z" coordinates. If failed then "0 0 0".
Used to find the center point of an object.
          For example:
             Object = 8489;     (8489 is the Id of a turret)
             answer = getBoxCenter(Object);
             answer is equal to "100 230 50".  Which is the X Y Z value
             of the center point of the Object.


Object: The object Id. Example: 8361
USED IN: Player.cs, Item.cs, Mine.cs, Moveable.cs, Objectives.cs...
RETURN: Type. Returns the name of the class the object was derived from. Example: Player or Flier.. etc.
Is used to find the type of the Object.
          For Example:
             Type = getObjectType(Object);
             Type is equal to "Player" because the Object Id passed
             in was created from the player class.


ObjectIdx: Index into a visible object array.
USED IN: Player.cs
RETURN: Object Id.  The Id of the object at that index location. If failed then -1.
Used to return the visible object at the index. All objects that are visible because of sensor or player LOS gets added to a visable object array.

loadObject(Name, Object)

Name: Name to be assigned to the object.
Object: The object and it full path name to be loaded.
USED IN: Client.cs
RETURN: Object Id of the new loaded object. If failed then 0.
Used to load the Object and assign it the Name.

storeObject(Object, Name)

Object: The object to be stored.
Name: The full path name and file name to be store under.
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to store the Object and all child objects that are associated with that object.


Object: The object Id. Example: 8361.
USED IN: Game.cs, Item.cs, Menu.cs, Station.cs, Server.cs, ...
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to delete the specified Object from the managers object list.


Object: The object Id. Example: 8361.
USED IN: Client.cs, Editor.cs, GUI.cs, Menu.cs, ...
RETURN: True if it is a valid object. False if failed or not.
Used to see if the Object Id passed in is a valid object.


USED IN: Most common use is in the Console screen.
RETURN: Objects.  All objects in the mission.
Used to list all the objects currently used in the mission.

newObject(ObjName, Class, <ExtraArg>)

Object: The name of the object.
Class: Type of object to create.
ExtraArg: Some Classes require extra arguments.
USED IN: Chatmenu.cs, Editor.cs, Game.cs, GUI.cs, Item.cs, ...
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.

Used to create an object. Different types of class take different extra arguments. The list below is the most common Classes used.

             dataFile: Object to be created. Example: "Chaingun"
             count: Number of items associated with that object. Example:
                    a pack of disc ammo has 5 disc so the count would be 5.
             pop: Not used.
             <rotate>: Optional. If True is passed in then the object will
                       rotate on its Z axis.
             <collide>: Optional. If True is passed in then the collison mask
                        information is setup.

             dataFile: Object to be created.
             <DOD>: Optional. If True is passed in then the object will be
                    deleted if it is destroyed.

             Uses the StaticBase class.

               Heading: Will set the heading of the menu.